Valid and modern scientific methods


Endodontics (root canal) is the specialty of dentistry that deals with the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of problems related to pulp (nerve fibers and blood vessels of the tooth), root, and tissues around the tooth.

Endodontic therapies are implemented for:
(1) the treatment and the preservation of the vitality of the pulp
2) the treatment of aching teeth
3) the treatment of abscessed teeth
4) the surgical treatment of teeth that do not respond to initial endodontic treatment.
5) the whitening of decoloured, endodontically treated teeth.

To maximize the success rate of endodontic treatment (root canal), there are 2 basic conditions:

(1) Specialization and Clinical Experience: The surgeon dentist Mr. Benioudakis has specialized in endodontics and new technologies, and has successfully dealt with thousands of cases of this nature.

(2) Proper dental equipment: Our dental clinic has (a) dental stereoscope, (b) X-ray machine, (c) electronic root edge finder, (d) motor for mechanical nickel-titanium microtools, and (e) hot gutta-percha gun.
The dentist surgeon Mr. Benioudakis has been using sophisticated endodontic equipment for the last 20 years – he is probably the first dentist in Crete to use the relevant specialized dental equipment.

The above strong conditions of our dental clinic and team increase the chances of success for our endodontic work to the leading 95%.


General dentistry includes the most common dental work that most of us do, such as fillings (dental sealants). In our clinic we specialize in the rapid treatment of urgent cases, as many cases of general dentistry are of this nature.

General dentistry also includes inlays and onlays, as well as detailed dental examinations, combined with the use of intraoral X-rays when needed, in order to properly diagnose dental problems.


Prevention is the best treatment. And this is valid to its greatest extent for oral health and hygiene. In this context, preventive dentistry includes all dental work aimed at preventing caries, gingivitis and more serious complications of oral health, as well as early diagnosis of any dental diseases, which dramatically increases the effectiveness of any future treatment.

The most common preventive dental work we do in our clinic is professional tooth cleaning for children, adults and pregnant women, and we also provide professional dental fluoride therapy services.


Cosmetic dentistry is the specialty dealing with the restoration:
(1) of crooked teeth
(2) of chipped or broken teeth
(3) of the spaces between the teeth
(4) of teeth with caries
(5) of missing teeth
(6) of discolored and black sealants, by replacing them with aesthetically excellent white sealants.

Our clinic provides multiple cosmetic dentistry options, including:
(1) professional tooth whitening
(2) dental composite resin or porcelain facades
(3) seals for cosmetic purposes
(4) dental crowns
(5) dental bridges
(6) cosmetic periodontal surgery
(7) orthodontics.


Prosthetic dentistry, or prosthodontics, includes all tasks related to the repair of missing teeth and of deficiencies of soft or hard tissue (bone and gum), using dental implants.

Dental implants

Dental implants are the biggest revolution in dentistry. They were first discovered in 1952 by the Swedish professor Per Ingvar Branemark, who noted the titanium property to be biologically and functionally integrated into the jawbone (bone integration).

Replacing missing teeth with dental implants allows us to:
(1) avoid sharpening healthy adjacent teeth for dental bridge support
(2) not needing to use dentures
(3) stop the subsidence of the jawbone.

Immediate loading of dental implants

The most important advancement in prosthetic dentistry over the last 20 years is the immediate loading of dental implants. When the proper conditions are present, sufficient bone, and no inflammation, we can place the teeth on the implants within a few hours or days, and the patient can chew with them immediately. The team of our dental clinic has been using this technique for 15 years and has the highest level of experience and training for Greek standards.


Periodontics is the specialty of dentistry dealing with the problems of soft and hard tissue surrounding the teeth. The most common diseases of the periodontium are gingivitis and periodontitis.

Periodontitis is a serious infection of the gums, which destroys the soft tissue and bones supporting the teeth, and if not properly treated, it can cause tooth loss, or even increased risk of heart attack, stroke, or other serious health problems.

Symptoms of periodontitis include:
(1) bleeding gums
(2) swollen gums
(3) pus and follicles in the gums
(4) instability of one or more teeth
(5) increase of the intervals between teeth, that causes functional and aesthetic problems
(6) bad breath.

Related research has shown that bacteria responsible for periodontitis can penetrate the blood, through the gum tissues, and then affect the lungs, heart and other parts of the body. For example, bacteria can get through arteries in the heart, where they are likely to trigger a vicious circle of inflammation and artery stenosis, which contributes to heart attack.


Pedodontics or pediatric dentistry, is the branch of dentistry that deals with the prevention and treatment of dental diseases of children and adolescents.

The pedodontic services provided by our dental clinic are:

(1) Polishing – Fluoride therapy. It is done every 6 months from the age of 4-5 years. Fluoride helps to form stronger enamel crystals, which resist caries, while helping to re-enamel the tooth when caries are at an early stage.

(2) Preventive pit and fissure sealant. The first permanent molars appear at the age of 6 and the second at the age of 12, and, as it is known, they do not change again. The preventive sealant is a thin layer of white sealant that is placed in the tooth grooves, where food is trapped and caries start. These preventive sealants are done with no pain at all, without injection and without using a dental drill. When this program is followed, in conjunction with normal tooth brushing twice a day, the child may never need to have a regular sealant.